The Daily Transactions Dashboard displays a detailed list of booking activity for a day or date range. For each transaction, you can see basic details that provide an overview of the booking, such as the current status and arrival date. But more importantly, you can also see all the data that has changed and who made the update.
Uses for this dashboard:
Sales Manager can see how their bookings have changed to explain revenue shifts from one month to another, if a booking moved dates.
Sales Directors can look for changes to rooms and revenue.
Identify bookings with drastic changes in status, occupancy, or revenue.
Detect any changes made to bookings and room blocks and keep team aligned.
Daily assess the previous day's activities, identify anomalies, and research accordingly.
Determine which user made modifications to a specific booking.
To run the report, follow these steps:
At the Home Page, click on the ‘Dashboards’ tab. If this isn’t a tab, click on the app launcher on the top left and type in Dashboards and click on it.
You will see a list of dashboards - go ahead and click on ‘Daily Transactions’.
This opens the dashboard.
Under each section, you can also click on the ‘View Report’ link on the bottom to open the dashboard into a report by itself that you can edit and change filters in a regular report. And to go back to the dashboard, you can click on the back button.
Make sure to save the Transactions Dashboard(s) before you close it (them).
The following information appears on your dashboard:
Under the name of the dashboard, you see a date of when it was last refreshed. You want to click on the ‘Refresh’ button on the right if needed.
Next there are 3 sections. In each one, note that you can scroll down to see all the transactions.
The first section is ‘New Bookings’ and it shows: Booking name, status, booking owner, date created, arrival date, departure date, guest room revenue inclusive of taxes, events revenue inclusive of taxes, and a total revenue inclusive of taxes.
Below this section - ‘Updated Bookings’: booking owner, booking name, status, arrival and departure dates, what field was changed, what the ‘old value’ was and what the ‘new value’ is.
And Lastly it’s the ‘Lost Bookings’ - Booking Name, booking owner, booking created date, arrival and departure dates, event revenue of the booking that was lost, guest room revenue and total revenue lost, when the change was made, and by whom.
You can drill down into any of the bookings.