At the end of this lesson you will know how to….
Search for an account
Create a new account
Edit an existing account
When you create a new account in Thynk, you will see that you can categorize it as either a Company (typically a Corporation, anything except an agency or private event), an Agency (travel agency that books on behalf of individual travelers, or companies) , or a Private Event (usually a social event, e.g. birthday party, or a dinner for a local event).
An Account has to be categorized as ‘Company’ (corporations), ‘Agency’ (travel and retail, wholesale agencies that book on behalf of others), and ‘Private Event’ (used for private social events, or in some cases, for generic accounts to organize social events, eg. weddings, birthday parties etc).
Enter the most complete phone number format as possible. If you are doing business internationally, use the + sign before the country code. Be consistent with the phone number input.
Before adding a new account, always search first to avoid creating duplicate accounts.
When creating new accounts, always complete as many fields as possible to build a comprehensive account. This will help you not just with keeping a clean database, but with prospecting tasks, and reporting.
If an account has offices in different addresses/cities/countries, you should always create a new account for that location separately. You will then be able to link it to a headquarter account (called ‘parent’ account), to establish the correct relationship.
There are two addresses in Salesforce, which can be confusing to users. Billing Address is the billing address of where the bills/invoices go. Shipping Address is the physical address where a company is located. In many cases, the billing and shipping address are the same.
Addresses from the PMS fall into the ‘Billing Address’.