How to Deactivate a Contact

How to Deactivate a Contact

Learning Objectives

This article shows you how to …. 

  1. Handle a contact who has left their company

Deactivating a Contact

We all know turnover happens in our industry a lot!  Contacts move companies, they retire, or if they are lucky enough, decide to move to Bali for the rest of their lifetime.  

In Thynk, you are not allowed to delete contacts because of the risk of losing valuable historical production information. 

Instead of deleting, you will be deactivating the contact.

For contacts who have left their company, deactivate the contact following these steps: 

  1. Use the global search bar to find the contact you wish to deactivate.

  2. Open the contact.

  3. Click on the pencil button to allow editing fields, or click on the ‘Edit’ button.

  4. Untick the ‘Is Active’ check box and select the ‘Inactive Reason’.

  5. If you have any information on this person, you can enter into the ‘Description’ field at the bottom of the contact's screen. Even if you already know they are going to another company, this is a good place to enter it.

  6. Finally, click on ‘Save’.

Best Practices for Deactivating Contacts 

  • Because contact information is very valuable, you should never delete contacts even when they retire or move on. 

  • When deactivating contacts, try to enter in additional information into the contact ‘Description’ field; anything you find out of why the person left could be of value.

  • When contacts move from one company to another, you will deactivate them from one, and create them as a 'new contact' in the other company. 

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