At the end of this lesson you will know…
What you can update in Room Types
Why you should not update certain items in Room Types
Where to access Room Types in Thynk and how to edit minimal information
Usually once your property’s room types are set up, they don’t tend to change.
If you are connected to a PMS, the room types and most of their information is ‘fetched’ from the PMS, so you don’t have to actually create them yourselves in Thynk, and we do NOT recommend you update anything other than ‘order’ (the order you want to see the room types appear in your availability screen) and the ‘Room Type Name’. The reason for NOT updating many of the areas in Room Types is that you would be affecting the PMS, and typically rooms are controlled by Reservations or other departments than Sales.
Just in case you do need to know how to update room types, follow these steps:
At the Home Page, if you don’t have ‘Room Types’ as a tab, click on the app button on the left, and type in Room Types. Click on it.
This will create a tab called ‘Room Types’. Click on it to open all Room Types, and again on the down arrow. Click on ‘All’ to show you all room types.
Next you will see that each room type will have the room type name, the number of rooms available (= rooms inventory), order (the order you want to see the room types appear in your availability screen), quantity, PMS ID and last modified and created dates.
To change the order, you can use the ‘inline editing’ feature. Just hover your cursor over the room type name field you wish to edit and click on the ‘pencil’ icon. Make the change, the field turns yellow, and ‘Save’. If you are reordering the various room types, you’ll need to change the numbers in the order columns for all the room types.
If you can’t ‘inline edit’, you can of course click into the room type, where you can edit the fields.
Do not edit the PMS ID field, as this comes from the PMS, and it’s really important that it matches in the PMS.
Do not change the # of Rooms Available, figure, which also comes from the PMS and it affects your availability.
You can change the ‘Room Type Name’ field, as this does not have to match the PMS.
If your hotel is using the ‘Parent’ field, you can edit it in Thynk, as your change will not affect the PMS. This is if you want to create a category of room types that is not bookable and that you can expand and collapse, you would use this field. For instance, maybe you want a parent to be called Suites, but within that category you will list out suite room types.
Click on the ‘Related’ Tab to see what’s there. ‘Availabilities’ comes from the PMS and shows the number of available rooms for that room type and those dates. You will not be able to edit these as they do come from the PMS.
‘Rooms’ - this information comes from the PMS and it shows any notes about the specific rooms. You cannot edit this.
Scroll down to ‘Rate Restrictions’ - this also comes from the PMS, and shows any rate restrictions attached to this room type, and you can’t change this area either. .
Most properties are connected to their PMS. In this case, we highly recommend you do not make changes to room types, except for perhaps the order, and the room type names.
This is because the room types come from the PMS, which is important for integration purposes.
If you are not connected to your PMS, and if your hotel wants to manage room types in Thynk, then, you can create room types.
Always make sure you have director approval.