At the end of this lesson you will know how to….
Enter your conversations with customers into Thynk
Enter future tasks and reminders so you can follow up accordingly
Enter appointments for face to face call or client lunch, or a site visit
As a sales person, much of your day is spent talking with customers, whether it’s trying to find new customers during prospecting calls, servicing your existing bookings, or booking future business.
To help you keep track of all your sales activities, you should enter everything into Thynk. There are so many benefits to this:
It reminds you of tasks you need to follow up on.
Reminds you of what your past conversations have been.
Helps your sales directors see what sales activities you are engaging in.
It allows you to also change the dates on future tasks if you are going on leave or attending a tradeshow, without having to miss a call.
If you’re out on leave, and another team member needs to follow up with a specific customer on your behalf, they can read all the calls, so they can pick up from where you left.
Many of our customers say, ‘If it’s not in Thynk, it doesn't exist’!
‘Activities’ can be created from an Account, Contact, Inquiry, or Booking.
Calls - phone calls you have had with your customer
Appointments - face to face appointments
Tasks - future tasks, e.g. call to discuss a BEO, call to chase for a decision, etc.
Note: If you are creating an activity specially about a piece of business, we recommend you link the activity to the booking, which will then keep all your booking related traces and calls together under the booking. The activity is linked to the booking automatically, if you open the booking first and create the activity there.
Activities can be created by you, or they can be assigned to you by another user, or by a workflow set up by your administrator. Activities are displayed either on the Home Page or on specific records, such as an Account, Contact or Booking.
An administrator can create automated activities for Sales Managers such as follow up calls, reminders to send proposals and contracts, or to check on a deposit.
For specific instructions, please refer to the lesson in Thynk University! 👩🏻🎓 Make sure that you have signed into the University from Thynk before clicking on the lesson link.
Future tasks and reminders act as a reminder for you to chase a customer, or make prospecting calls. They also show your leadership that you are engaging in a lot of sales activities.
Enter all sales activities into Thynk!
Make sure to mark your tasks as ‘completed’ as you do them, and enter into the ‘Comments’ field what you discussed. This is important because it will remind you of your conversations and any decisions you have made with the customer.
Always, be as thorough as possible, which will help you and your colleagues if you are out of the office and they need to cover for you by talking with your customer.
Some hotels may set targets for prospecting calls, and your leadership may review how many prospecting calls you are making and compare them to your targets.
Tracking all sales activities in Thynk gives you a method of pacing yourself and tracking those prospecting calls