Glossary of Price Fields

Glossary of Thynk Naming Conventions for Pricing

At the booking level, price often comes from what has been defined by Admins in a property's 'catalog' of Products, Function Spaces and Packages. The below glossary will help shed some light into the definitions of the various price fields seen throughout Thynk.

Unit Price: Represents the price for a single unit. Depending on your property's configuration, it may include or exclude tax.

Unit Cost: Indicates the cost to the property for a single unit. Used in profit calculations.

Total Cost and Total Price: Used in combo products, package items, and combo product items to calculate totals for multiple quantities or items.

List Price: Reflects the catalog price of the product before any booking discounts are applied.

Sales Price Incl. and Excl. Tax: Determines the sales price based on guest count or quantity, considering the pricing type.

Discount Fields: Includes Discount % and Discount Amount fields, which update automatically based on the unit price. Booking packages have a Discount Max limit where the total Discount Amount cannot exceed the currency amount defined.

Number of Discountable Items: Found on the Package object, this indicates how many Package Items have the 'Apply Discount' option selected.

Complimentary: Available on certain pages, this sets the unit price to 0, providing a full 100% discount. 

VAT Category: Applicable for properties with VAT tax, add products should be set up by admins with a VAT Category, which is carried over to the booking level. 

VAT Weight: A percentage value showing the weight of a Combo Item within the whole Combo Product.

Optional: Sets the Sales price to 0 and adds it to Potential Max Revenue, allowing sales teams to quote optional add-ons separately.

Total Amount Paid and Total % Paid: these fields are on the Payment Schedule page to easily show how much the customer has paid.

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