Sales Manager Production Dashboard

Sales Manager Production Dashboard

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson you will know how to…. 
  1. Find the Sales Manager Production Dashboard

  2. Understand the information on the Dashboard

Dashboard Overview

The Sales Manager Production dashboard shows guest room and event production by Sales Manager and compares it to last year's figures and this year's goals.  This information is displayed in room nights or revenue. 

Dashboard/Report Uses

Directors can run the Sales Manager Production dashboard/report monthly to do the following:

  • See changes in guest room and event revenue due to new definite business, lost/downgraded business, revaluations, and slippage.

  • Assess year-to-date revenue figures against goals.

  • Compare current figures with Same Time Last Year (STLY) figures.

  • Assess the available pipeline based on the number of prospect and tentative bookings.

How to View the Sales Manager Production Dashboard

To view the Sales Manager Production Dashboard, follow these steps: 
  1. At the Home Page, click on the ‘Thynk Dashboards' tab. If you don’t see this tab click on the ‘Applications’ (the 9 dots on the top left) and search for Thynk Dashboards. Click on it to create a ‘Thynk Dashboards’ tab for ease.

  1. Click on ‘Sales Manager Production’.

  2. The dashboard will run based on predefined filters, which  you can change according to your needs. 

  3. Please refer to Thynk University for further instructions on this dashboard! 

Remember that you must have your sales manager goals in the system for the dashboard to show you goals and variance figures. 

For further information on how read the dashboard, please refer to the Reporting & Analytics course in Thynk University! 

  1. How to create sales goals in Thynk - Knowledge base article 


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