Where To Look up Information on Accounts, Contacts, Bookings

Where To Look up Information on Accounts, Contacts, Bookings

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson you will know where to… 

  1. Look up an account, or contact in Thynk 

  2. Find information on a booking or booking event in Thynk 

Finding Information on Accounts, or Contacts, or Bookings

If someone in your team mentions something about a VIP or an important booking or event coming in house, or if there is anything you wanted to look up, you can view it in Thynk.  This is why it’s important for your teams to use Thynk to its fullest potential. 

To view information, follow these steps: 

  1. At the Home Page, the best place to find any data is to use the global search field on the top, where you can type in the account, contact, booking name, list views, bookings, etc. 

  2. You can narrow down the type of record/data you are looking for, you can click on the down arrow on the left of the search field and select it there. 

  1. Let’s find an account. Type in the account name and click on it to open it.  Scroll down and take a look at all the information. The account will open on the ‘Details’ tab. You also see ‘Related’, ‘Bookings’, ‘Production’ tabs.

  1. To view contacts on this account, click into ‘Related’ to see all the contacts working at this account.  The number in parenthesis is the the number of contacts. 

  1. If you have more contacts than the ones showing here, click on ‘View All’.

  2. Click into a contact to view details on them. Scroll all the way down and you can see the description field. If there is anything important or special about this contact, this is where you would find it. Hopefully, if the sales manager entered it here. 

  1. Some of you may have another field called ‘Contact Role’, with a drop down list.  If you have VIPs for instance, you could mark them using the ‘contract role’ field and you could run a report to see all your VIP contacts. 

  2. To view bookings, you can search for them, either on the Global search bar on the top middle of your screen, where you would type in the booking name and click on it once found.  Or from the account; find and open the account and click on the ‘Bookings’ tab. 

  3. Here, look at the list of bookings and click on the one you are looking for. Again, the number in parenthesis is the number of total bookings for this account.  If there are more bookings, click on the  ‘View All’ button. 

  1. Once a booking is open, you can move around and click on the various components of the booking. 

  1. On the top of the booking, you will see which property the booking is at if you have multiple bookings. You will see the property,  arrival and departure dates, the number of guests and the status and the booking owner, the salesperson. 

  2. Scroll down, on the left is the details section which shows you the basic details of the booking:  the inquiry date, the option date, cutoff date, etc.

  1. On the right side of the booking page, you will see everything else related to the booking.  The ‘Related’ tab shows you the number of packages, and which packages they're signed up for, the events which are your functions, your lunches, and your dinners, and your meetings, your guest rooms, and your booking products which means your flowers, your menus, etc. 

  1. Back up top to the right side again, click on the tab called ‘Documents.’ This is where you can look up any of the proposals, contracts, and BEOs which are saved here under the section called ‘Files’.  So this one was a BEO that was run September 1.

  1. Click on the BEO for example, just to view it, scroll down to see the information on the BEO.  Click on the  X on the top right to close this window.

  1. The ‘Notes’ tab is another area where salespeople can be really leveraging to input any specific notes about accommodations, catering, and other areas. 

  2. The ‘Clone’ tab is something you won’t need - it’s used by the sales team to copy events and bookings.  

  3. The ‘PMS’ tab shows you information related to your PMS integration.


  1. The ‘Rooming List’ is useful for the sales team to upload rooming lists into Thynk. With the PMS integration, it goes straight to your PMS. 

  2. The ‘Payments’ tab shows you everything related to deposits and payments. 

  1. The ‘Finance’ tab shows you commissions, and total booking revenues broken by revenue type inclusive and exclusive of taxes. 

Best Practices
  • In general, it’s very important that you have SOPs in place for using Thynk to its fullest. With complete information, your data will be much more reliable, and you will improve collaboration among the departments. 

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