Where to Note Specific Dietary Restrictions

Where to Note Specific Dietary Restrictions

Learning Objectives

  1. Add notes about special requirements, such as dietary restrictions and allergies

  2. Check that the change you made has been updated on the BEO/function sheet

Notes about Dietary Restrictions / Food Allergies

You have already created a booking, its events and even created the BEO/function sheet. Now as you near the event, your customer has contacted you with specific dietary restrictions and food allergies. 

Depending on how your BEO/function sheet has been configured for your property, there are a couple ways you can go approach this. 

To Add a General Request to the Booking

If your BEO is configured to pull the ‘Booking Notes’ straight from the booking, and if the request applies to the entire stay, follow these steps: 

  1. Find the booking, and click into it to open it.

  2. On the left side of your booking screen, scroll down to your ‘Notes’ section.

  1. Here you can either use the ‘Edit’ button or click on the ‘pencil’ icon to edit the fields in the ‘Notes’ section. 

  2. If you have general Dietary Requirements, you can enter them here in the Booking ‘Notes’, in this ‘Dietary Requirements’ field. If there is a guest(s) that have specific allergies, you can enter these here as well. Just make sure that these booking comments will show on your BEO! 

  3. Click on ‘Save’. 

  4. If your BEO/function sheet has been configured to pull your Booking Notes then, this change would appear on it.

To Add a More Specific Note

Many times, however, you get some very specific requests, such as a customer wanting a specific brand of mineral water. In this case, follow these steps:  

  1. As always, open your booking first, and on the right side of your booking screen, go to ‘Booking Products’ and find the specific item, e.g. ‘mineral water’ in our example. You can click on the product line to open it and you can edit it in the next window that appears, or 

  2.  Move your cursor to the right of that product, click on the ‘down’ arrow and click on ‘Edit’ 

  1. The next window shows your product,  scroll down to the ‘Description FS’ (or ‘Description BEO' depending on how you were configured) and enter in this field, exactly what the customer has requested, and ‘Save.  

  2. To verify you have made the change on the BEO/function sheet, go to the top of the booking, click on the ‘Documents’ tab and click on the PDF button. 

  3. Here, you will see the change I made appears under the correct section of how your BEO has been configured.

Best Practices for Noting Special Requirements

  • It is a good idea to be consistent  as to where to track specific comments, because there are implications on where it appears on your BEO.

  • The configuration of the BEO would have been signed off by  your leadership during the Thynk configuration, so if you feel the format or sections need to change, please check with them. 

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