How to Build a Report

How to Build a Report


  1. Gather the information needed to build a report
  2. Create a new report using the Report Builder

Report Requirements

When you create a report, the criteria you enter is essentially a question you are asking, and the results returned are the answer. Before building your report, ensure to define all the questions the report must answer, write the requirements and map them to the report criteria. 

Build a Report

1. On the Home Page, go to the 'Reports' tab  
2. Click New Report

3. Choose a Report Type and click 'Continue'.  You can use the search bar to narrow down your search using key words.


4. Click on 'Filters', and add filters based on your requirements and criteria. 

You can also Add Filter Logic and Cross Filters. 

5. Go to 'Outline'. As you can see there is only 1 column (MYCE Quote: Name). 
6. To add more columns to the report, click on 'Add column...' Columns represents your record's fields.

7. If you’re looking for an at-a-glance overview of data, with sub-totals and totals, you should group your records both by row and by column. These are called Matrix Reports. 
      a.) Under GROUP ROWS, from the 'Add group...' picklist, select the field(s) you want your records to be grouped by row. You can add a maximum of 2 fields. In our example let's say Stage and Arrival date. 

      b. Under GROUP COLUMNS, from the 'Add group...' picklist, select the field(s) you want your records to be grouped by column. You can add a maximum of 2 fields. In our example, we are a multi-property org and we want data to be grouped by property. 

You may want to hide the report details when viewing a matrix report. Matrix reports are usually easier to read with details hidden. To hide the report details, turn off 'Details Rows'. 

8. Click on 'Save & Run'
9. Enter the Report Name and select a Folder.
      a.  The Report Unique Name will be auto-generated.
      b. You can add a description as a guide for users. 
      c. By default the report will be saved in your Private Folder.

10. Click on 'Save'.

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