Thynk centralizes POS and PMS data to offer a holistic view of every corporate account and direct contact, however, duplicate accounts and contacts, and ‘dirty data’ are often the unfortunate reality of any PMS or POS. Thynk offers a solution that enables you to maintain this central view without ‘polluting’ your data in Thynk and without unnecessary duplication.
How accounts flow from your PMS to Thynk
Every single account in your PMS will be added to Thynk as a “PMS Account.'' Then, those PMS Accounts are mapped to existing Accounts in Thynk (1:Many). This enables you to consolidate duplicate accounts in your PMS under a single Account in Thynk (see diagram below).
To find the records in Thynk, you can find the PMS Account tab in the app launcher or you can find PMS Accounts via the Account related tab.
How PMS Accounts are linked to Accounts in Thynk
During your initial Thynk onboarding, your project manager will help you determine what criteria you would like to use to match accounts in your PMS to Accounts in Thynk. The matching criteria can reference up to two fields from PMS Account to Account Mapping. Read more about the mapping here.
What it means to link a PMS Account to an Account in Thynk
While Accounts can have many PMS Accounts, only one PMS Account can be primary. Accounts are marked as primary when:
An account from your PMS is matched to a Thynk Account for the first time
You create a Thynk Account by checking the check box ‘Create Account’ on the PMS Account
You manually check ‘Primary Account’ on a PMS Account
Beyond the visual relationship of linking duplicate Accounts in your PMS to a single central Account in Thynk, the relationship has a few key results:
If desired, you can check the “Update Fields”box on the Account, which will pull any data currently missing on the Thynk Account from your primary PMS Account
When creating reservations, the primary PMS Account is used to ensure the reservations are sent to the correct Account in your PMS
What happens when there is a Thynk Account with no PMS Accounts
During the reservation process, when you reach the stage of sending reservations to your PMS, if the Account on your booking does not have a PMS Account, Thynk will automatically create one and mark it as primary to ensure that the reservation is associated with the correct account in your PMS
How to unlink a PMS Account from an Account
If you notice a PMS Account matched incorrectly to an Account, you can unlink the two by simply deleting whatever Account is in the Account field on PMS Account and uncheck “Sync Account'' on the PMS Account to ensure that the matching process does not take place on the next batch. If you remove the lookup only, on the next batch, it will be populated again as the Sync Account field includes the record in the matching process.
A PMS Account with “Sync Account” unchecked will be excluded from the matching process and the only way to connect the record to an Account will be to manually search for Account in the lookup.