How to see total production figures for an account or agency
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson you will know ….
How to find production figures for your account or agency
Viewing the Account Production
What’s my account or agency worth?
How much business have they given me to date?
What’s the business segment mix for this one account or agency?
These are obvious questions that need to be answered quickly without running special reports.
We have created an amazing dashboard called the Account Production Dashboard (links to our Knowledge Base help article on this dashboard is below), and we pull this dashboard into the specific account, or agency, so you can view the production easily on the account level.
If you have a PMS integration the data is coming from the PMS and it includes non-group production (FIT) to show you a total worth of your account. If you don’t have a PMS integration, you are seeing the information from Thynk bookings.
To view this information, go to your account.

Make sure that you have signed into the University from Thynk before clicking on the lesson link.
Account Production Dashboard - Knowledge base article
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