Upload a Rooming List into Thynk

Upload a Rooming List into Thynk

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson you will know …  

  1. What to do when you receive a rooming list from your customer

  2. How to upload a completed rooming list 

  3. What happens when you upload a rooming list in your PMS

Uploading Rooming Lists

When a booking has turned definite, and closer to the date of the event, your customer may want to send you a rooming list for you to forward to the reservations team, or upload it into your PMS. 

If you are integrated  to the PMS, in Thynk, you can upload the rooming lists yourselves, streamlining this process, as reservations are created in Thynk and in your PMS at the same time.  So, ideally, when your customer wants to send you a rooming list, tell them that you will send them a template spreadsheet for them to complete with guest name, email address etc. 

What is Individual Pickup?

When you are working with a booking, it’s important to determine if the booking will use individual pickup or not. 

With individual pickup, if the “Individual Pickup” checkbox is selected (checked) at the booking level, then reservations will be created in Thynk and sent to the PMS only as guest names are uploaded via the rooming list. 

With a standard rooming list (not individual pickup), reservations are created and sent to the PMS when a booking is definite. Note the status that defines when reservations are created would have been decided by leadership and configured in the original setup, so it doesn’t have to be ‘definite’, it could be ‘tentative’ or any other status. 

To mark the booking to accept reservations by ‘individual pickup’ in the booking, go to the ‘Rooming List’ tab and check the ‘individual pickup’ checkbox. 

For specific instructions, please refer to Thynk University! 👩🏻‍🎓

Best Practices for Uploading Rooming Lists

  • We recommend that you take the lead by asking your customer to complete the rooming list spreadsheet that you will email them.  As explained in the lesson, this is a better way to streamline your process; it will save you time, and eliminate the chance of mistakes copying rooming list names to another new spreadsheet. 

  • For the completion of the rooming list, we recommend at minimum, to have the guess’ last name, an email or phone number.

  • When a guest room has multiple adults (double/triple/quad occupancy), only one guest on the reservation is the primary guest. You’ll notice by viewing the Reservation that there is a related list of Reservation Guests. All guests in the room will be shown here.


  1. Rooming List FAQ - Knowledge Base article  

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