Activity Report

Activity Report

Learning Objectives

In this lesson, you will learn how to...
1. How to run an activity report.
2. How to edit an activity report, as well as graphs and charts surrounding it.

Report Overview

The Activity Report shows the total number of activities each member of your sales team has completed, or plans to complete, during a specified date range. 

Report Uses 

The sales team can use this report… 
  • Sales managers can use this information to get a good overview of their activities and to see if they are meeting their activity goals.
  • Directors can evaluate their team performance against their activity goals.
  • Management can report completed activities in the month, quarter, etc.

How to Run the Report

To track how many calls and tasks you have completed, follow these steps: 
  1. At the Home Page, click on the ‘Reports’ tab, ‘All Folders’ on the left side, and click on ‘Thynk Reports’.

  2.  Look for the ‘Activity Report’ or you can also type in ‘Activity’ in the ‘search all reports’ field. If you don’t see the report here, please check with your Thynk admin.

  1. Click on the report to run it. 

  2. The report appears automatically and will display a chart showing total activities by user.  The standard report uses the following filters: 

    • By Users (all users) 

    • Date Range (all time)

    • By statuses (open and completed tasks)

    • All tasks & events (appointments) 

  3. The donut shape gives you the total number of activities. The ring around the number shows you subtotal numbers by user. 

  1. If you don’t like the donut shape, you can change the chart by clicking on the toggle on the right ‘Chart Properties’ where you can select a different chart.

  1. The table on the bottom left of your screen, shows the user name, and the number of ‘not started’ and ‘completed’ activities, and a total of all activities for each person. 

  1. Under this table, there are a few options where you can toggle to see further details.  

  1. Toggle the ‘Detail Rows’ to see the individual activities.


  1. To see total tasks by activity type, you can group by column, go to the column called ‘Subject’, and on the down arrow, click on ‘Group Rows By This Field’.

  1. This shows you subtotals by subject, so you can see how many prospecting, or  follow up calls you have. You can then compare your completed prospecting calls to your targets.  What’s really important is that you are using the ‘subject’ field on your tasks to denote prospecting calls! 

  1. If you would like to make changes to the filters, you can edit them, but make sure to save your Activity  Report as a new report so you are not making inadvertent changes to the standard report. To do this, click on the down arrow next to the ‘Edit’ button, and ‘Save As’.

  1. At the next window, name your new report and complete the ‘Report Name’, and ‘Report Description’ fields. The ‘Report Unique Name’ will be auto generated. Select the report folder and ‘Save’.

  1. Now you can make changes to the report, by changing the filters. On the top left, click on ‘Filters’.

  1. The standard report shows you 'Open & Completed Activities'.  If you wish to only see completed activities, click on the filter icon on the top right. Click on ‘Show’ and a window appears on the right where you can other options - in this case, 'completed activities'. And when done, click on ‘Apply’. 

  1. To change the columns you see on the detail rows, click on ‘Outline’ and make your changes there. To delete a column, click on the x on the right of the field name. 

  1. When you have finished making your changes, click on ‘Save & Run’. This will save your report and refresh your numbers based on your changes. 

  2. To add the report to your dashboard, click on the down arrow next to the ‘Edit’ button. And click on ‘Add to Dashboard’. 

Best Practices for Tracking Your Activities

  • It’s very important that you use the ‘Subject’ field on all tasks and activities consistently.  For example, you should type in ‘Prospecting’ into the Subject for all prospecting calls, so you can then pull the number of total prospecting calls you have to do and have completed.  
  • Similarly, to see calls by other activity types, such as ‘chase contract signature, deposits, etc., again, you have to be using the subject field to denote it in the first place. 
  • You can make any edits you like to your own report, just make sure to use the ‘Save As’, just in case you wish to revert back to the standard report. 
  • If you don’t see the report here, please check with your Thynk admin.


  1. Activity Report - Knowledge Base article

  2. How to view your log of calls and future task - Knowledge Base article

  3. How to track sales activities - Knowledge Base article 

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