How to Edit Reports and Dashboards

How to Edit Reports and Dashboards

Learning Objectives

This article will teach you …
  1. How to make slight modifications to reports
  2. How to make modifications to dashboards

  3. Whom to contact if you need help with complex reports

Editing Reports and Dashboards

Reports and Dashboards are extremely useful tools, and while you have a set of standard reports and dashboards, you may want to edit them slightly to match your needs.  

Dashboards are visual ways of seeing reports.  All your dashboard components are based on reports, which you can click into for further detail. 

Note: some of the reports and dashboards can be quite complicated, so if you wish to edit a complex one, we recommend you talk to your Thynk Admin, because they may have experience with report creation and editing.  In all cases, be careful saving any change you make, so you don’t inadvertently make a change to a report for all users. 

Editing an Existing Report

Please note that you cannot edit the dashboards found under Thynk Dashboards.  These are managed by the Thyndashboardsk Product team.  Want to see some changes to one of these dahsboards?  Let us know!

To edit an existing report, follow these steps: 
  1. At the Home Screen, click on the ‘Reports’ tab. This opens up only the most recent reports, but to see all existing reports, you can click on ‘All Reports’ on the left pane.

  1. If you have a very long list of reports you have access to, you can type in the name of a report in the ‘search all reports’ field and find it that way.

  1. Now click on the report you wish to edit.

  2. This opens up the report. On the top right, click on the ‘edit’ button.

  1. Once you click on ‘edit’, the left pane shows you some editing options.

  1. You can add more fields (by adding ‘columns’, or change the dates the report is pulling currently).

  2. In this example, let’s add a field to show ‘Status’.  Click on the ‘Add Columns’ field and type in the word 'status', and then select it by clicking on it.

  1. Now, a section of the screen could be greyed out.  You need to toggle the ‘Update Preview Automatically’ on the top right corner to open up the grey section.  

  1. Next, click on the ‘Detail Rows’ toggle on the bottom of your screen and you will now see the newly added column of ‘adult count’. 

  2. Similarly, if you see a field/column you wish to remove, you can click on the ‘x’ and remove it. 

  1. Now, you can hide the ‘detail rows’ by toggling the ‘Detail Rows’ toggle back.

  1. On the top of the report, there are a couple of options to save your report.  Don't click on the ‘Save & Run’, because you will save the report for ALL users!  In your case, unless you’re an admin or have been tasked by your director to update the report for all users, you should NOT do this. 

  1. To save this report just for YOU, click on the down arrow on the right of your ‘Save’ button and click on ‘Save As’

  1. This opens up a new window called ‘Save Report As’.  Type in the report name, report description, and click on the ‘Select Folder’ button to select which report folder you wish to save it in.

  1. When you click on ‘Select Folder’ a new window opens. Select the folder, and click on ‘Save’.

Editing a Dashboard

To edit a dashboard, follow these steps: 

  1. At your Home Screen, click on the ‘Dashboards’ tab. 

  2. On the left side, click on ‘All Dashboards’.

  1. Select the dashboard you wish to see. Click on the ‘Edit’ button on the top right and then, all your dashboard components will show the ‘pencil’ icon so you can actually click on the one chart you wish to change or edit.

  1. If you click on the pencil icon, the chart opens up and in the next window you can make your desired edits. Here is one example: 

  1. When you are happy with your changes, click on ‘Update’ and ‘Save’.

  2. If you want to remove a chart from your personal dashboard, click on the ‘Edit’ button to activate the pencil icons and then click on the ‘x’ to remove it from your dashboard. 

Best Practices for Editing Reports and Dashboards

  • Editing reports and dashboards can get extremely complex. If you need help please ask your Thynk Admin

  • Always use ‘Save as’ when saving edited reports so you are not making inadvertent changes for all users


  1. Overview of Reports & Dashboards - Knowledge Base article 
  2. How to Create a Report - Knowledge Base article 
  3. Filter Logic - Knowledge Base article

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