Linked PMS Accounts Last Month

Linked PMS Accounts Last Month

Learning Objectives

In this lesson, you will learn how to...
1. Run reports.
2. View information displayed on a report.

Report Overview

If you are connected to your Property Management System, Thynk will match PMS Accounts to Thynk Accounts using matching criteria established during configuration.  PMS Accounts allow customers to better manage duplicate accounts created in their PMS and create a centralized view in Thynk. Discover what PMS Accounts are, and how they are mapped to accounts.

This ‘Linked PMS Account Last Month’ report shows you all the PMS Accounts that were matched and linked to the respective Account in Thynk in the last month. 

Report Uses 
  • This is a useful report for information purposes to see which PMS accounts were linked to Thynk accounts. 

  • If there is a discrepancy, the admin can look at the mapping, or link accounts manually. This can happen because the account names in the PMS are sometimes not as thoroughly entered into the PMS. 

How to Run the Report

To run the report, follow these steps: 

  1. At the Home Page, click on the ‘Reports’ tab, ‘All Folders’ on the left side, and click on ‘Thynk Reports’, 

  2. Or in the ‘Reports’ tab, click on ‘All Reports’ on the left and simply type in ‘PMS accounts’ in the search bar. This finds all reports with PMS accounts in the report name.  Click on the ‘Linked PMS Account Last Month’ to open the report.

  1.  The report runs automatically, so you don’t need to do anything to it, if you are looking at it monthly. However, if you want to change the date you can do so as well.

  1. To look up these accounts click on the blue links remembering that ‘Account Name’ is the Thynk account, and the 'PMS Account Name' is the one in your PMS.  And to go back to your report, click on ‘back’ in your browser.

  1. To change the date, this works like any other report. Go to your Filter funnel icon on the right, and you can adjust the ‘Created Date’ according to your needs.

Information Displayed on the Report  

The following information appears on your report: 

  1. Account Name - this is the Thynk Account Name

  2. PMS Account Name - this is the account name in your PMS with the closest match, which means, this is why Thynk has linked it to your Thynk account. 

  3. Shipping City - this is the city on the PMS Account. In my example, it’s showing a blank, because in the PMS the city wasn’t completed. 

  4. Account Shipping City - is the city on the Thynk Account. 

  5. Type - account type of the PMS Account. Again, it’s blank here in my example. Often PMS information isn’t as complete as Thynk. 

  6. IATA Number - is the IATA number on the PMS Account .

  7. Account IATA - is the IATA number on the Thynk account (in case of an agency).

  8. Created Date - this is the date when the PMS Account and Thynk Account was matched.  

  1. How to Edit Reports & Dashboards - Knowledge Base article

  2. PMS Account Overview - Knowledge Base article

  3. PMS Account Mapping - Knowledge Base article

To do any other edits to reports, you can refer to this Knowledge article.

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