'Multi-Days' Packages and How to Manage Them

'Multi-Days' Packages and How to Manage Them

Learning Objectives
This article will teach you...
  1. The difference between a 'Multi-Days' package and a single day package
  2. How to change an existing 'single day’ package to a ''Multi-Days' package, if the package is not being used by bookings.
  3. How to clone and modify the original package if it is being used by bookings.

'Multi-Days' Package vs 'Single-Day' Package

When you’re creating standard or custom packages, you or your leadership will decide whether they are single day or multi-day packages. The 'Multi-Days' option allows your sales team to be specific if they want to add a product/meeting on a specific day.

For example, the customer has booked a four day event, with a package for the four days, but they only want a dinner on the 1st night, or a Cocktail Hour on the 2nd night, etc.

In case of a 'Single-Day' package, (the 'Multi-Days' option is not selected), all products and meeting rooms will be added to all the selected days of the booking. Another use of a 'Single-Day' package is applying it to one day on the booking.

Editing a package to 'Multi-Days’ if the package is not already being used on a Booking

To learn how to create a new package for your sales team to use in their bookings read this article.

If you need to edit a 'Single-Day' package you have already created in Thynk to a 'Multi-Days' package (or vice versa), you can easily edit the original package and make the necessary adjustment as long as this package has not yet been assigned to a booking


For specific instructions, please refer to the lesson: https://learn.thynk.cloud/courses/take/thynk-admins/texts/49807010-what-is-a-multi-day-package-and-how-do-i-manage-it in Thynk University! 👩🏻‍🎓

Make sure that you have signed into the University from Thynk before clicking on the lesson link. 

Best Practices

  1. Only Admins can create and edit packages, so the sales team can use them to attach to bookings.
  2. If a package is not a 'Multi-Days' package, then it can only be applied to one day on the booking, and users cannot add products or functions to different days.

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